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Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Can I come for just a part of camp?
A: The establishment of group agreements, building cohesion and collaboration all really need a team of folks to be together in the process from the start. If coming for the whole week is really hard for you to arrange, plan on coming for the start and communicate your intent to leave early.



Q: Is this a day camp?
A: No, this is the type of camp where folks come and stay for the course of the week. Most of the programming things will happen in the day times, but we will also be having campfires, breakfast meetings and other things on either end of long days that really work best if everyone if staying on site. Most people will be encouraged to bring tents for their camping needs. If you or your family find tent camping is not a reasonable solution for you and you have a trailer, camper, van or rv vehicle, please be in touch about that ASAP because we have limited level parking spots and site layout will be affected by camper parking needs.


Q: Can I send my kids to your camp?
A: Your kids are definitely welcome to come to camp @ CREATE, and we ask that each kid (or small collection of kids) brings a grown-up or team of grown ups with them. This arrangement ensures that all the small folks have people that they know and trust around close by, and that parent types can spend some time with their kids learning and doing together. Please also see the website for more information about kids programming, parallel play programming and our need for adults who will not be bringing kids with them who want to help out with the smalls.



Q: Does this cost money? How will camp be paid for?
A: We are asking a sliding scale registration from participants. While we recognize that what some people can afford is 0$, putting on a camp like this can have significant costs (in money and other resources) so we ask that people who can hook us up with money or the other things that we need please do, to help keep camp accessible to individuals and families that don't have much to spare but want to participate. Other resources we will need besides money include food, volunteer time for site prep, camping equipment for people who may need to borrow, tarps, shelters, structures, tables, firewood, kitchen tools, and much more. Please consider what and how you can give.



Q: Is this a camp for grown-ups too?
A: YES! This is a camp for individuals AND families of all types and ages and configurations and genders.



Send email inquiries to and get yourselves registered through the eventbrite link at the bottom of this page.

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